sáb, 09 nov
All Day Disco Fashion Event/オールデイディスコファションイベント
This is a continuation of our Annual TWW(Together We Walk) Combined with Multiple DJ and Fashion that portrays the ages of 60's and 70's. Join us with Dancing and Fashion. The event is free. Fashion Event Inside the Hall is Ticketed and must have a general or VIP Ticket
Horario y ubicación
09 nov 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
Sasebo, 2 Hirasemachi, Sasebo, Nagasaki 857-0056, Japan
Acerca del evento
Please note Venue Parking is across the street and is paid parking. Bus stop is directly in front of Venue (Sasebo Culture Hall)
これは毎年恒例の TWW (Together We Walk) のファッションショーです。
複数の DJ とファッションを組み合わせて、60 年代と 70 年代を表現します。ダンスとファッションのイベントをお楽しみください。
16時までは参加無料です。ホール内のファッション イベントはチケット制で、一般チケットまたは VIP チケットが必要です。
Disco Fashion Show TWW 24-VIP
VIP- Includes Raffle Ticket/Gift/Front Row Seat & 1 Beverage of Choice(Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic) VIP Sale ends November 7, 2024 1:00PM
Venta finalizada- 4800 JPYComisión de servicio: +120 JPY
Disco Fashion Show TWW-GA
General Admission-Entrance & 2nd/3rd Row Seating Day of 11.9.2024 Cost will change to ¥3800
Venta finalizada- 3800 JPY